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Wyoming Prospectors Association

P.O. Box 1269

Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Minutes for June 22, 2013(July Meeting)







President Jim Brines



Treasurer Deb Palmer



V. Pres. Janiece Robinson



Immediate Past Pres.
Curtis Addison



Secretary Joyce Raymond



Meeting called to Order at 6:30 PM WIth 45 members and guests present.
Introduction of members and guests.

Minutes of June 8, 2013 read. Motion to accept as read made by Paula Jones, seconded
by Les Armstrong. Motion carried.

A letter from BLM in reference to the dig on Broken Shovel was read. Discussion
followed. It was decided that we would send them a letter explaining dig date and reclamation intended.

Deb Palmer gave the Treasurers report. A motion to accept the report was made by Steve Hall, seconded by Paula Jones motion carried.

Keith Blair reported on the Mineral Withdrawal area that has been placed in effect by the BLM. Keith said all members need to go to the BLM website and read it so they know what is being affected.

Deb Palmer made a motion to pay Les Armstrong $150., Robert Jones $200. and Carl
Anderson $150 to reimburse them for travel expenses getting supplies, equipment and ore for the Annual Outing. The motion was seconded by Frosty (Forrest Ruby)and the motion passed.

Election of Officers:
President - Jim Brines was nominated. With no other nominations he was elected by
unanimous vote.
Vice President - Janiece Robinson was nominated. With no other nominations she was
elected by unanimous vote
Secretary- Joyce Raymond was nominated. With no other nominations she was elected
by unanimous vote.
Treasurer- Deb Palmer was nominated. With no other nominations she was elected by
unanimous vote.

Deb Palmer made a motion to have the next"Annual Outing" on June 27th, 28th, 29th , 2014 with location to be determined at a later date, seconded by Steve Hall and the motion carried.

Keith Blair made a motion to have the next meeting and mini outing on the Commonwealth claim. Seconded by Les Armstrong, motion passed.

We will meet at the South Pass Rest Area at 9:00AM.
And proceed to the claim.Meeting at 12:00 Noon. Bring your own lunch.
No water will be available. Bring your own water, recirculation system,
Dry washers, metal detectors and a tub to pan in.

Jim Haines volunteered to take care of the paperwork on the claims and be the go between with the BLM. Claims Mining Reports are downloadable from the WPA web page. All Claims Mining Reports must be mailed to :

Wyoming Prospectors Association
P.O. Box 1269
Riverton, Wyoming 82501

Or hand delivered to one of the officers or to Jim Haines.
All reports must be mailed in so we can get them to Jim before Aug. 1st each year.

Jerry D' Adamo has the following items for sale: HIGH BANKER, DRY
WASHER, SPIRAL WHEEL, 2" DREDGE, VACUUM, Call 307-472-2953 for more
information. Meeting adjourned at 7: 18PM.
Joyce Raymond Secretary

50-50 raffle was won by Les Armstrong.
Raffle for the Keene Super Concentrator was won by Barbara Leho. Congratulations

The raffle for the Rock and Gold specimens which were hand crafted by Cindy Elg went
well, however we failed to get the names of the winners. If the winners will let us know who they were we will publish it with the Aug. minutes.
Congratulations to all the winners of our regular raffle as well.

We would like to offer a special "THANK YOU" to all who helped setting up and taking
down the tents at the Annual Outing and also for helping picking up trash.





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